Years ago I saw my first ever cartoons - not animation, but the relatively simple paintings used as preparatory sketches for oil paintings or tapestries; these were by Goya and are in the Prado. Being self-taught, I learn about such things piecemeal - at galleries, in books, online - wherever - but they do prove inspiring even if filed away for later consideration. So, I had a big canvas and a picture in my head, and so I decided on an acrylic cartoon/sketch for a large-ish oil/collage . Here's what happened.
The cartoon for Human Jungle - there's no background but I've started added more textured, thicker paint over the flat acrylic layer e.g. bottom right. |
Working on the central flower with oils - all the oil painting was done with a palette knife as I do enjoy a bit of impasto. |
An early stage (detail from the bottom right corner) |
A later stage - oil paints applied and gaps being filled, but still a way to go... |
Most of the oil painting has been completed. Now, contrastingly monochrome images are selected from old art magazines, cut to shape and glued in place. |
The final picture - the paper collage sections have been varnished and final oil details painted. In places the oils have been allowed to blend/smudge into the collage. Now to leave it to dry (which takes time for thick oils), somewhere that our cat can't get at it! |
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