Tuesday 14 January 2014

All my ink is not science

A few months ago when I started this blog, I posted about some of the ink drawings I'd been working on, all clearly sci-fi inspired. Since then things have moved on - I've sold a number of them as prints (they are all numbered and signed in limited editions of 25, and you can get them here), am working on an exhibition next year (fingers crossed) and have a selection of prints for sale in places such as the Art House (AKA my second home). I've also been exploring some other influences, for example with my ink drawing entitled 'Matador'.

'Matador' A4 ink on paper.
This is a little sparser in the level of detail than many of my drawings but I was interested in capturing the movement and the merging of man and bull - not glorifying bull-fighting (which is a cruel and repellent activity), but the idea of contesting reason and passion as seen in some of the Cubist works of Picasso and the Surrealist painter Oscar Dominguez. It may be a mere scribble in comparison with those that inspired me, but I'm happy with the outcome and it sparked some interesting online chat - so, from my point of view, a win - I hope you like it too.